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Laser Hair Reduction

The laser light is absorbed by the pigment called melanin which is present in the root of the hair follicle.

This light energy penetrates through the skin and is converted into heat energy. The heat thus formed bursts the melanin pigment which in turn destroys the hair follicle.

The best absorption is seen in fair skinned individuals with thick, dark and coarse hair. Optimum energy has to be decided to attain maximum benefits with minimum side effects. Lighter skin individuals have less amount of melanin in the skin therefore less amount of energy is absorbed by the skin. This laser light does not work on grey or white hair, as grey or white hair does not have melanin.


Hair follicle grows in three phases

  • Anagen (growing phase)
  • Catagen (phase)
  • Telogen (shedding phase)

At a particular time only growing follicles are targeted by the laser as they contain maximum melanin pigment and 70% hair in the resting phase continue to grow. A laser light would either destroy the growing follicle or may make it dormant. After an interval of 4-6 weeks (depending on the body part) 30% of hair would again fall in the growing phase and a repeat session would target these follicles. Therefore a number of sessions are required to attain maximum benefits.

Number of sessions

Maximum 8-10 sessions are required for optimum results.

In hormonal inbalance, a medical line of treatment is suggested along with the laser therapy. Number of sessions in such cases are definitely more and manintenance may be required.

The amount of reduction is about 60-80%


  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Treatment with isotretinoin

Practical Aspects

  • Underlying cause for excess hair growth should be corrected, like hormonal imbalance and other medical conditions leading to hair growth.
  • No plucking, waxing, threading, bleaching 15 days before each session. Shaving and hair removing creams could be used instead.
  • Using ice packs, topical anesthetic creams or decreasing energy minimizes discomfort during treatment.
  • Mild discomfort like redness, burning sensation is taken care with topical emolients and ice packs.
  • Sun exposure to be avoided and use of a sunscreen is must.

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