Nutritional Therapy For Hair
Nutrion forms an essential part of hair growth. Lack of complete nutrion leads to hairfall.Nutritional imbalance is hence one of the major causes of hairfall. Correcting nutritional imbalance supports normal growth of hair.
Essential Nutrients for Hair
Essential Minerals with good effect on hair:- Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Copper - help stimulate hair growth, Chromium, Magnesium, Silicon.
Essential Vitamins:- Vitamin A, B-complex, Vit.C & E
Toxic minerals having bad effects on hair:- Lead, Mercury, Aluminium.
What can cause a mineral imbalance?
Diet - improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diet can all lead to a chemical imbalance.
Stress - physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of nutrients while reducing the capability to absorb and utilize nutrients.
Medications - both prescription and over the counter medicatons can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals and / or increase the levels of toxic metals.
Pollution - the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metals, these can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.
Nutritional supplements - taking incorrect supplement or large amounts of supplements can produce many vitamin and mineral excesses and / or deficiencies.
Inherited patterns - a predisposition toward certain mineral imbalances, deficiencies and excess can be inherited form parents.
Essetial Minerals
Minerals | DEFICIENCY |
Anemia, depression, dizziness loss of appetite, loss of vitality, flattening & spooning of nails |
Beet root, Black dates, spinach, jaggery, cherries, spinach, blackberries. |
Brittlle nails, white spots Scaly dry skin, Easy bruising, slow wound healing, immune deficiency atherosclerosis, prostate enlargement |
Non-veg, wheat germ, wheat bran, pumpkin seed, avocado, sea food. |
Cramps, Rheumatism. Bone pains, Muscle twitching, Diffuse hairloss, Osteoporosis |
Rajma, barley, kale, unrefined grains. |
Osteoporosis, digestive function, nerve disorders. |
Green leafy veggies, almonds, beans, sea food. |
CHROMIUM | Diabetes | Yeast |
Nerve functioning, Energy production, enzyme activation |
Avocados, almonds, whole grains, grape fruit. |
Toxic minerals :
Lead - poisoning due to ingestion of paints, inhalation via car exhausts, garages.
Mercury - fish caught in mercury contaminated water, industrial exposure, fungicides, dental amalgam
Aluminium - utensils, antacids, anti- perspirants.
Essential Vitamins
Food to be consumed
Green leafy vegetables daily
Salads - beet, carrot, tomato, radish, cucumber
Sprouts - 2-3 times a week
Pulses & legumes - 2-3 times a week
Almonds 4-5 daily
Walnut - 1 daily
Milk - at least 500ml daily
Fresh fruits 3-4/ day
1 tsf of cow's ghee.
Foods to be avoided
Junk foods like pizzas, pastas, noodles, burgers & fast food.
Soft drinks
Smoking & alcohol
Chinese foods
High carbohydrate diet like pototoes, chocolates, cakes, ice-cream, deserts, pastries
Nonveg foods like red meat, fried chicken, fish.
Home made chicken or fish without oil once a week can be taken in moderation.
Hair Care Tips
Eat a healthy diet. Avoid foods thae are high in sugar or fat.
Stay away from harsh chemical products that can damage hair.
Stress can be seriously injurious to long term health and colour of hair.
Get plenty of rest & sleep to allow your body to grow hair.
Tangles in wet hair are best removed with a wide toothed comb.
Avoid use of hot water, hot blow dryers or other hair care tools that may stress the hair.
Have a weekly scalp massage to provide stimulation to the hair follicles. Avoid extreme cold & heat exposures.